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Ep. 135 - The FamilyWell Approach: Rethinking Perinatal Mental Health with Dr. Jess Gaulton

Aug 01, 2024

In the latest episode of our podcast, Dr. Jess Gaulton of FamilyWell Health dives deep into the vital and evolving conversation surrounding perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs). This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in mental health, especially within the context of pregnancy and postpartum care. Dr. Gaulton’s insights are a beacon of hope and change in a field that has historically struggled with stigma and lack of adequate support.

A Journey from Stigma to Support

Dr. Gaulton’s discussion underscores a significant shift in how PMADs are perceived and managed. Historically, these conditions were either dismissed or shrouded in stigma, leaving many individuals feeling isolated and unsupported. However, awareness is growing, and Dr. Gaulton highlights the progress made in recognizing and addressing these issues.

Sharing her own experiences with postpartum depression, Dr. Gaulton breaks down barriers and encourages others to do the same. Personal stories play a crucial role in dismantling stigma, and her openness about her own struggles provides a relatable and powerful example of why this conversation matters.

FamilyWell Health’s Innovative Approach

One of the standout elements of this episode is Dr. Gaulton’s introduction to FamilyWell Health’s unique care delivery model. The model represents a forward-thinking approach to integrating perinatal mental health services into existing healthcare systems. This is achieved through a collaborative care team comprising social workers, coaches, therapists, and psychiatric providers, all working together to offer comprehensive support via telehealth.

This integration is not just about convenience; it’s about creating a network of care that addresses the complex needs of individuals experiencing PMADs. By combining various forms of support—ranging from therapy to peer coaching—FamilyWell Health ensures that care is not only accessible but also tailored to individual needs.

Personalized Care and Early Intervention

Dr. Gaulton emphasizes the importance of personalized care in effectively managing PMADs. No two experiences are the same, and treatment plans should reflect that. The early intervention approach promoted by FamilyWell Health is crucial; it allows for the identification and treatment of issues before they escalate, offering a proactive rather than reactive solution.

Peer support also plays a significant role. The episode delves into how connecting with others who have faced similar challenges can provide immense comfort and practical advice. This sense of community can be incredibly validating and empowering for those navigating the difficulties of perinatal mental health.

Empowering Through Education: Coach Certification Program

Another exciting development discussed is the coach certification program. This initiative aims to equip individuals with the skills needed to support perinatal individuals effectively. By providing formal training and certification, FamilyWell Health is expanding the pool of qualified professionals who can offer meaningful support, enhancing the overall care ecosystem.

A Call to Action

The episode concludes with a powerful call to action: continued awareness and storytelling. Dr. Gaulton stresses the need for ongoing dialogue to further destigmatize PMADs and advocate for accessible, comprehensive support systems. Sharing stories, supporting each other, and pushing for systemic changes are all critical steps in creating a more supportive environment for those affected by perinatal mental health challenges.

For more in-depth information on Dr. Jess Gaulton’s work and the initiatives at FamilyWell Health, visit their website and LinkedIn page. Tune into this episode to gain valuable insights into a crucial aspect of mental health and join the movement toward a more inclusive and supportive approach to perinatal care.


About Erin:

With over 15 years of experience in the field of education, I am a passionate and dedicated educator, researcher, and podcast co-host who strives to improve the lives of children and parents through evidence-based practices and insights. I hold a Doctorate of Education in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University, and I am currently the Chief of Education at Cooper, a resource for parents that provides research-based information on parenting and child development. 

About Michelle: 

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. I specialize in working with children by applying my experience in developmental psychology and behavior analysis. As a parent myself, I know that navigating parenthood isn’t easy. With over a decade of experience, I’m here to help you apply evidence-based practices to create a stronger bond with your child through one-on-one therapy services and my Thriving Toddler online programs.

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